Try applying the techniques presented in this module to your own writing. A sentence needs to make sense on its own. Although the law was first clearly and rigorously formulated by Sir Isaac Newton, the fact of the action indicated by it was more or less clearly seen by others. They occur from the moment a potential team gathers until the team comes to an end. If a paragraph is coherent, each sentence flows smoothly into the next without obvious shifts or jumps. If you can’t explain what your post is about in one simple, short sentence, it’s probably too complex or unfocused. ; and the Stichus is proved by its didascalia to have been produced in 200 B.C. Her forearm was still swollen, Jonny's fingers clearly outlined in black-purple bruises on her skin. No religion has so clearly grasped the ideas of guilt and of merit. The vicomte who was meeting him for the first time saw clearly that this young Jacobin was not so terrible as his words suggested. In a coherent paragraph, each sentence relates clearly to the topic sentence or controlling idea, but there is more to coherence than this. He is clearly in a good mood today. Sarah shot him a look that clearly meant, 'Back off.'. Think about what you’re trying to say. The theory upon which the rite everywhere rests is clearly the belief, for which there is an abundance of concurrent testimony, that the liver was at one time regarded as the seat of vitality. Only after she had reached home was Natasha able clearly to think over what had happened to her, and suddenly remembering Prince Andrew she was horrified, and at tea to which all had sat down after the opera, she gave a loud exclamation, flushed, and ran out of the room. That is a bad sentence. 619. Usually sentences will be clearer if they have fewer words. Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley's comparison of the church and chamber pitches of Orlando Gibbons (vide Ellis's lecture) clearly shows the minor third in Great Britain in the first half of the 17th century. Examples of clearly in a Sentence You should try to speak more clearly. There is clearly a difference between these two categories. Here his democratic theory still more clearly leads up to a proclamation of the imperial omnipotence. Investigations carried out by Blackman, and by Brown and Escombe, have shown clearly that the view put forward by Boussingault, that such absorption of gases takes place through the cuticular covering of the younger parts of the plant, is erroneous and can no longer be supported. Enunciate definition is - to make a definite or systematic statement of. Luz; but no one capital city of the race is clearly indicated. This kind of irregularity may clearly be present in a ' It must not be supposed that errors of this order of magnitude are unobjectionable in all cases. Unclear: I do not want that. This is clearly the same process in essence as that of the formation of a vitellogenous gland from part of the primitive ovary, or of the feeding of an ovarian egg by the absorption of neighbouring potential eggs; but here the period at which the sacrifice of one egg to another takes place is somewhat late. In the abdominal exoskeleton the segmental structure is very clearly marked, a series of sclerites - dorsal terga and abdominal sterna - being connected by pale, feebly chitinized cuticle, so that considerable freedom of movement between the segments is possible. Jonny and his predecessor clearly believed the Grey God was a danger to their own world. ‘A death sentence was commuted to life in prison, then cut to ten years.’ ‘He was ordered to complete a remaining eight month sentence for that offence before starting the latest jail term.’ ‘Soldiers who turn themselves in by February, 2004, earn lenient sentences.’ I closed my eyes and tried to think clearly. • Eliminate unnecessary words. But every genuine attempt to overcome its difficulties brings us into closer touch with the period we are examining; and though we may not be able to throw our conclusions into the form of large generalizations, we shall get to know something of the operation of the forces which determined the economic future of England; understand more clearly than our forefathers did, for we have more information than they could command, and a fuller appreciation of the issues, the broad features of English development, and be in a position to judge fairly well of the measures they adopted in their time. In every case of institutional growth in history two things are to be clearly distinguished from the beginning for a correct understanding of the process and its results. "His comments clearly upset the other council members." There is no other instance in Europe of a basin of similar extent equally clearly characterized—the perfectly level character of the plain being as striking as the boldness with which the lower slopes of the mountain ranges begin to rise on each side of it. Owing principally to the fact that the system of the caliph Omar came to be treated as an immutable dogma which was clearly not intended by its originator, and to the peculiar relations which developed therefrom between the Mussulman Turkish conquerors and the peoples (principally Christian) which fell under their sway, no such thing as an Ottoman nation has ever been created. When the British government seemed disposed to use coercive measures for the protection of the Armenians, he gave it clearly to be understood that any such proceeding would be opposed by Russia. Hexapoda mostly with wings; the wingless forms clearly degraded or modified. Find more ways to say clearly, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. But the more he tried to hide it the more clearly--clearer than any words could have done--did he betray to himself, to her, and to Princess Mary that he loved her. with P. Autronius Paetus. If we replace the word make with “express”, the second sentence would be correct while the first one will become incorrect. highly civilized centres of Buddhist art and industry in the now sand-strewn wastes of the Turkestan desert has been clearly demonstrated by the same great explorer and by Dr M. Of all the Asiatic ranges the Himalayan is, geologically, the best known; and the evidence which it affords shows clearly that the folds to which it owes its elevation were produced by an overthrust from the north. This activities include many basic sight words and were designed for early readers in Kindergarten and 1st grades. The great influence exercised by Babylonian culture over Palestine between 2000 and 1400 B.C. He clearly understood the meaning of sentence. Her actions had clearly taken him by surprise. If, as seems probable, the continued methodical investigation, which is demanded by the advance of modern knowledge, becomes more drastic in its results, it will recognize ever more clearly that there were certain unique influences in the history of Palestine which cannot be explained by purely historical research. Your new sentence should follow the guidelines in parenthesis and use the same number of commas as in the original. Now it’s your turn! All were clearly preoccupied by the strange events. Correct: Luis was interested in data processing. Talk in this Ossian-like vein showed that Napoleon's brain no longer worked clearly: it was a victim to his egotism and passion. Dolokhov was holding the Englishman's hand and clearly and distinctly repeating the terms of the bet, addressing himself particularly to Anatole and Pierre. Rewrite the following factual statements to make them effective thesis statements. - The more characteristic features of the bird's brain show clearly a further development of the reptilian type, not always terminal features in a direct line, but rather side-departures, sometimes even a secondary sinking to a lower level, and in almost every case in a direction away from those fundamentally reptilian lines which have led to the characters typical of, and peculiar to, the mammals. The name of Holborn was formerly derived from Old Bourne, a tributary of the Fleet, the valley of which is clearly seen where Holborn Viaduct crosses Farringdon Street. or Clearly, she doesn't know who the f- she's talking to. He was the first to state clearly that the motions of the heavenly bodies must be regarded as a mechanical problem, and he approached in a remarkable manner the discovery of universal gravitation. The original parts of the book are principally to be found in the meditations, which are clearly Ignatian in conception as well as method. It is impossible that a scholar of the 16th century could have been acquainted with this word, and internal evidence shows clearly that both the prose and the verse are of early origin. clearly definition: 1. in a way that is easy to see, hear, read, or understand 2. used to show that you think something…. That Danby, in spite of these compromising transactions, remained in intention faithful to the national interests, appears clearly from the hostility with which he was still regarded by France. The mountain was clearly visible in the distance. d. match their antecedents. All were silent, expectant of what was to follow, for this was clearly only a prelude. But throughout the length of Peru the three ranges are clearly defined. Example Sentences for "clearly" The newly-elected president is clearly advocating a greater role for government in ensuring a proper education for all its citizens. Try taking out words that do not add to the meaning of your sentence. The laws repeatedly forbade it under increasing penalties, but clearly it could not be stopped. So as you edit and reread your work, try to take words out to make your writing clearer. As an historian Prescott stands in the direct line of literary descent from Robertson, whose influence is clearly discernible both in his method and style. Create an example sentence with several one-syllable words and leave it in the comments below. Throughout, however, the superstitions of the Malays show indications of this Hindu influence, and many of the demons whom their medicine-men invoke in their magic practices are clearly borrowed from the pantheon of India. But the characteristic nature of the avifauna is more clearly brought out when we learn that of the 2000 species just mentioned only about 1070 belong to the higher suborder of Oscines, that means to say, nearly one-half belong to the lower suborder Clamatores. The genesis of Mandaeis.m and the older gnosis from the old and elaborate BabylonioChaldaean religion is clearly seen also in the fact that the names of the old pantheon (as for example those of the planetary divinities) are retained, but their holders degraded to the position of demons - a conclusion confirmed by the fact that the Mandaeans, like the allied Ophites, Peratae and Manichaeans, certainly have their original seat in Mesopotamia and Babylonia. That sincerity which often comes with waking showed her clearly what chiefly concerned her about her father's illness. What actually happens when an iron wire is loaded with various weights is clearly shown in Fig. make. She spoke slowly, articulating each word clearly. ), the essential instrument of all benedictions, the object is clearly to establish its potency against evil spirits. These salts are like those of tin; and the resemblance to this metal is clearly enhanced by the study of the alkyl compounds. This was clearly perceived and keenly felt by the educated classes, and as soon as the strong hand of the uncompromising autocrat was withdrawn, they clamoured loudly for radical changes in the aims and methods of their rulers. point clearly to the very close union of Israel and Judah at this period, a union which is apt to be obscured by the fact that the annalistic summaries of each kingdom are mainly independent. There are many stately figures in the Roman and other museums which clearly belong to the same school as the Parthenos; but they are copies of the Roman age, and not to be trusted in point of style. Such restriction is clearly implied in the words "except when that (Benedictus) shall happen to be read in the chapter for the day, or for the Gospel on Saint John Baptist's day," which were inserted in 1662. As soon as Petya found himself in the square he clearly heard the sound of bells and the joyous voices of the crowd that filled the whole Kremlin. The properties of caoutchouc clearly show, however, that its actual molecular structure is considerably more complex than is represented by the empirical formula, and that it is to be regarded as the polymer of a terpene or similar hydrocarbon and composed of a cluster of at least ten or twenty molecules of the formula C5H8. Some of the letters in the name were backward, but the date was clearly 1872. Clearly, things have changed in the last six weeks.Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English” Concise writing presents ideas clearly and does not use more words than are truly necessary. In such a colony of connected individuals, the exact limits of the separate " persons ” are not always clearly marked out. A good sentence … Five years have passed since then, and already I, with my petty understanding, begin to see clearly why she had to die, and in what way that death was but an expression of the infinite goodness of the Creator, whose every action, though generally incomprehensible to us, is but a manifestation of His infinite love for His creatures. It was clearly a gift productive of much disturbance in the Church (1 Cor. Correct: This week, the committee decided to vote on the issue. His answer to the question was completely unambiguous. 2 - The oracles of Malachi clearly reveal the continued influence of the book of Deuteronomy in his day. Katie locked herself in the bathroom, cursing Ully for the skunk perfume that clearly didn.t work. At the very least, history can clearly show the range of outcomes that are likely. The Pseudolus and the Truculentus fall within the last seven years of his life. Phrases like “there are,” “in order to,” “the fact that,” “the reason why is that,” “there is no doubt that,” say in many words what could be said in fewer. When she turned and he looked down at her, he could clearly see her reddened eyes. We're not thinking clearly and there are too damn many unanswered questions. The two principal railway corporations, the Southern and the Seaboard Air Line, contended that the act was clearly contrary to the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which forbids the imposition of excessive fines. ii. Alex swung a gaze on him that was clearly intended to bring silence to the table – and it did. The lophophore is supplied by yet a third nerve, the under arm-nerve, which is less clearly defined than the others, and resembles a moderate aggregation of the nerve fibrils, which seem everywhere to underlie the ectoderm, and which in a few cases are gathered up into nerves. The sites of Lindus, lalysus, and Camirus, which in the most ancient times were the principal towns of the island, are clearly marked, and the first of the three is still occupied by a small town with a medieval castle, both of them dating from the time of the knights, though the castle occupies the site of the ancient acropolis, of the walls of which considerable remains are still visible. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Their un- Russian shouting at their horses which were straining uphill with the carts, and their calls to one another, could be clearly heard. Clearly written, complete sentences require key information: a subject, a verb and a complete idea. Felipa glanced at Alex, clearly uncertain if it was safe for her to say anything. in width at the point of junction, and they are clearly non-glacial. If we clearly see that what we are doing is wrong, it would be impossible for us to sin, so long as we saw it in that light.". "Sure, hon," she said, clearly disbelieving. Leo, the saint's favourite disciple and companion on Mount Alverno at the time, which describes the circumstances of the stigmatization; Elias of Cortona, the acting superior, wrote on the day after his death a circular letter wherein he uses language clearly implying that he had himself seen the Stigmata, and there is a considerable amount of contemporary authentic second hand evidence. Wolsey clearly foresaw his own fall, the consequent attack on the church and the triumph of the secular party. He could pretend to concentrate on the board while his mind clearly drifted somewhere else. The Whitehall conference of 1655 marks a change in the status of the Jews in England itself, for though no definite results emerged it was clearly defined by the judges that there was no legal obstacle to the return of the Jews. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Amid these sounds, only the youthful kindly voice of the Emperor Alexander was clearly heard. View Clearly Defined usage in sample sentences. The audience for this post is: “Bloggers who want to improve their writing skills.” Rule #2: Make sure your topic passes the fortune cookie test. External research constantly justifies the cautious attitude which has its logical basis in the internal conflicting character of the written traditions or in their divergence from ascertained facts; at the same time it has clearly shown that the internal study of the Old Testament has its limits. cit. But his avowed followers formed a small and discredited sect, which, in England at least, can be clearly traced in the latter part of the century. These are more clearly referred to in England in the second half of the 9th century, though we have little information concerning them before the 11th century. The boundaries of Pisidia, like those of most of the inland provinces or regions of Asia Minor, were not clearly defined, and appear to have fluctuated at different times. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The part played by Egypt proper in the ensuing anti-Assyrian combinations is not clearly known; with a number of petty dynasts fomenting discontent and revolt, there was an absence -of cohesion in that ancient empire previous to the rise of the Ethiopian dynasty. Natasha's face and eyes would have to tell her all more clearly and profoundly. 3. Clearly it was time to safeguard what remained; and that could best be done under Talleyrand's shield of legitimacy. Exploratory work is associated intimately both with prospecting and with development, but the purpose is quite distinct from either prospecting, development or working, and it is of importance that this should be clearly recognized. If the covariant (f,4) 1 vanishes f and 4 are clearly proportional, and if the second transvectant of (f, 4 5) 1 upon itself vanishes, f and 4) possess a common linear factor; and the condition is both necessary and sufficient. How his affairs fell into this condition, why he did not die in his own house, and why in the previous summer he had been in hiding, as we know he was from a letter still extant, are points not clearly explained. Recent criticism goes to show that there is a very considerable body of biblical material, more important for its attitude to the history than for its historical accuracy, the true meaning of which cannot as yet be clearly perceived. Yet Buddhism has never made much impression west of India, and Islam is clearly repugnant to Europeans, for even when under Moslem rule (as in Turkey) they refuse to accept it in a far larger proportion than did the Hindus in similar circumstances. This has been clearly shown to be the production of a later hand, and is ascribed by Echard to the period between 1310 and 1325. The best ways to catch and eliminate those filler words from … Although the division of the country into terraces separated by ranges of hills is clearly marked in various districts, as for instance between Durban and Colenso, the province is traversed by many secondary chains, as well as by spurs of the Drakensberg. The species of each genus are then arranged either systematically or alphabetically in separate covers of stout, usually light brown paper, or, if the genus be large, in several covers with the name of the genus clearly indicated in the lower left-hand corner of each, and opposite it the names or reference numbers of the species. Obstacles are a continual fact of life for teams. While the influence of the great prophets Elijah and Elisha is clearly visible, it is instructive to find that the south, too, has its 'share in the inauguration of the new era. Prince Andrew expressed his ideas so clearly and distinctly that it was evident he had reflected on this subject more than once, and he spoke readily and rapidly like a man who has not talked for a long time. This is most clearly marked on the side of the Apennines, where the great Aemilian Way, which has been the high road from the time of the Romans to our own, preserves an unbroken straight line from Rimini to Piacenza, a distance of more than 150 m., during which the underfalls of the mountains continually approach it on the left, without once crossing the line of road. clearly (adv): in a way that is easy to see, hear, read, or understandUse 'clearly' in a sentence Speak slowly and clearly. It is vain, therefore, to look for clearly defined and systematic presentations of the idea among ancient writers. (b) Indian influence may be defined as Buddhism, if it is understood that Buddhism is not at all periods clearly distinguishable from Hinduism. He was, however, the first to show clearly that the Ratitae are the retrograde descendants of flying ancestors, that the various groups of surviving Ratitae are, as such, a polyphyletic group, and he has gone fully into the interesting question of the development and subsequent loss of the power of flight, a loss which has taken place not only in different orders of birds but also at various geological periods, and is still taking place. It’s easy to think that using more complicated-sounding phrases will give your text a … You really want to make sure you use word stress on these one syllable words! If al, a2, ...a, n be the roots of f=o, (1, R2, -Ai the roots of 0=o, the condition that some root of 0 =o may qq cause f to vanish is clearly R s, 5 =f (01)f (N2) � �;f (Nn) = 0; so that Rf,q5 is the resultant of f and and expressed as a function of the roots, it is of degree m in each root 13, and of degree n in each root a, and also a symmetric function alike of the roots a and of the roots 1 3; hence, expressed in terms of the coefficients, it is homogeneous and of degree n in the coefficients of f, and homogeneous and of degree m in the coefficients of 4.. 330. To write good copy, make it clear and concise and get to the point. Even the prologues, which later researches have shown to be in the main by the hand of Plautus himself, though certain passages were clearly added at a later date, e.g. See more. As a mathematician, he was the only Englishman after Sir Isaac Newton and Roger Cotes capable of holding his own with the Bernoullis; but a great part of the effect of his demonstrations was lost through his failure to express his ideas fully and clearly. In the blessing of the holy water (cap. In the very frequent cases where the bundles have considerable individuality, the fibrous pericyclic cap very clearly has a common origin from the same strand of tissue as the vascular elements themselves. Clearly written, complete sentences require key information: a subject, a verb and a complete idea. His nephew (as some say, though the degree of relationship cannot be clearly established), Publics Cornelius Sulla was consul in 66 B.C. Below are three of the top offenders when it comes to wordy writing. after him, clearly recognized the necessity of raising Muscovy to the level of her neighbours. Of the extant plays the Cistellaria and the Stichus must be associated with the Miles as comparatively early works; for the former was clearly produced before (though not long before) the conclusion of the Second Punic War, see 1.201 seq. Incorrect: There are four officers who report to the captain. Remember, your goal is not to make your sentences short, your goal is to convey your ideas clearly and to avoid ambiguity. The stage buildings are not preserved much above their foundations, and show signs of later repairs; but their general character can be clearly seen. The effect of the two processes on the purity of the market lead is clearly shown by the two following analyses by Hampe, which represent lead from Lautenthal in the Harz Mountains, where the Parkes process replaced that of Pattinson, the ores and smelting process remaining practically the same: - It is absolutely necessary for the success of the Parkes process that the zinc and lead should contain only a small amount of impurity. The column headed bacon and hams indicates clearly enough that the imports of fresh meat did not displace those of preserved pig meat, for the latter expanded from 4,715,000 cwt. The sensitive cells must clearly be influenced in some way by weightnot the weight of external organs but of some weight within them. That curly grass which always grows by country roadsides became clearly visible, still wet with the night's rain; the drooping branches of the birches, also wet, swayed in the wind and flung down bright drops of water to one side. He firmly and clearly expresses his opinion to Kutuzov, to Weyrother, and to the Emperors. 2. Correct: Four officers report to the captain. Sentences are then combined into paragraphs. Why, then, was he hesitating to claim the woman who clearly wanted to be by his side? 100 examples: The structure and dynamics of chromatin clearly differentiate the eukaryotes… These societies are not clearly visible in England or on the continent before the early part of the 12th century. The urban half clearly have no opportunity to farm. In writing and speaking, there are four basic types of sentences that we use: declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory. It is then pruned, in order clearly to show the mode of branching, and is spread out as naturally as possible with the right hand. He was clearly embarrassed and apologized to Dean on behalf of everyone in the Norfolk Police Department, the City of Norfolk and the entire south. Clearly such alterations as the construction of railways in nearly all parts of the continent, and the establishment of peace over formerly disturbed areas like India, are of enormous importance, and must change the life of the people. Risner, who died in 1580, also in his Opticae (1606) very clearly explained the reversal of the images of the simple camera obscura. Although Judah was always closely connected with the south, these " southern " features (once clearly more extensive and complete) are found in the Deuteronomic and priestly compilations, and their presence in the historical records can hardly be severed from the prominence of " southern " families in the vicinity of Jerusalem, some time after the fall of Jerusalem. 369) is grateful to the deity, being indeed the most essential part of the sacrifice, or at least the vehicle by which alone it can successfully be conveyed to its destination, is also a very early one, if not absolutely primitive; and survivals of it are possibly to be met with even among the most highly cultured peoples where the purely symbolical nature of all religious ritual is most clearly understood and maintained. Some of the Malagasy avifauna is certainly ancient, aboriginal, and even points to India; other forms indicate clearly their African FIG. Clearly, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It is important to understand clearly the criterion which he applied; it is frequently misapprehended. Even now he felt clearly that the gory trace of that recollection would not pass with time, but that the terrible memory would, on the contrary, dwell in his heart ever more cruelly and painfully to the end of his life. These crude ideas of Cromwell's character were extinguished by Macaulay's irresistible logic, by the publication of Cromwell's letters by Carlyle in 1845, which showed Cromwell clearly to be "not a man of falsehoods, but a man of truth"; and by Gardiner, whom, however, it is somewhat difficult to follow when he represents Cromwell as "a typical Englishman.". ] too many words show students how to write good copy, make it clear and concise get! Sentence should follow the guidelines in parenthesis and use the same number of cases in which salts exhibiting have! Table – and it was clearly 1872 also called independent clauses the three are... 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